Résident evil 7 sortie d’application irrécupérable [Mod Translation-Resident Evil 7 unrecoverable application exit] – как исправить?

Bonjour ça fait déja plusieurs mois que mon jeu resident evil 7 ne fonctionne pas, j’ai déja éssayer de lancer le jeu en désactivant ma carte graphique intel et j’ai réussi à lancer le jeu mais arriver avant l’intro j’ai ce méssage: E:Program Files(x86)SteamSteamappsCommonResident evil 7 biohazardRe7.exe

d:\reengine\reengine\gitroot\runtime\modules\render\os\renderdevice dx11. Cpp”3567 present failed. Hresult=0x887a0005  

l’instance de périphérique GPU a été suspendue. utilisez Getdeviceremovedreason pour déterminer l’action appropriée.  

Voila c’est tout ce que j’ai comme méssage je ne peut jouer le jeu ni avec intel et ni sans intel. Par contre sans intel la fenetre affiche les marques du jeu mais avant l’intro j’ai ce message. Si vous avez une solution miracle a ce problème dites le moi. Je pense qu’il dois avoir une solution car le jeu n’est pas mort si j’arrive a le lancer. 

Mon pc  possède un intel i76700hq et une carte graphique nvidia 980m.

Ah oui je rajoute aussi que le logo resident evil 7 est grisé, celui qui permet de lancer le jeu…

[Mod Translation-Hello it’s been several months since my game resident evil 7 does not work, I already try to launch the game by disabling my intel graphics and I managed to launch the game but arrive before the intro I have e: Program Files (x86) Steam Steamapps Common Residentvil 7 Biohazard Re7.exe

d: \ reengine \ reengine \ gitroot \ runtime \ modules \ render \ os \ renderdevice dx11.

the GPU device instance has been suspended. use Getdeviceremovedreason to determine the appropriate action.

That’s all I have as a mesage I can not play the game with either intel and intel without. On the other hand without intel the window displays the marks of the game but before the intro I have this message. If you have a miracle solution to this problem tell me.I think he must have a solution because the game is not dead if I can throw it.

My pc has an Intel i76700hq and a nvidia 980m graphics card.

Oh yes I also add that the resident evil logo 7 is grayed out, the one that allows you to start the game …]

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out to us today! I’d be happy to help.

Based on the error message you received it looks like the game was purchased on Steam. Did you purchase the game on Steam or through the Microsoft Store Online?

Have you fully rebooted your computer and re-installed the game?

Let us know so we can further assist you.

Best Wishes,
Xbox Forums Support


Источник: https://answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru/xbox/forum/all/résident-evil-7-sortie-dapplication/5e01753b-b74a-40e9-9898-0c6635c1383c

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